The second meeting of the Silva Mediterranea Working Group on Urban and peri-urban forestry (WG7) will be held in Rome (Italy) next 20th November 2014. The purpose of the meeting is to present and discuss the preliminary outcomes of the priority activities identified during the launching workshop of the Group (held in Granada, Spain, last 22-23 May) and implemented by its members over the past five months. Participation to the meeting and to the activity of the Working Group is open to any expert or researcher interested in the issue and willing to be involved in the activities implemented by its members. The event will take place the day after the closure of the meeting Green Infrastructures and Urban forests for improving the environment and the quality of life, organized in the framework of the COST action FP1204. Programme and venue of the event will be alerted soon on the Working Group webpage.
NOVEMBER 18-19, 2014 ROME Green Infrastructure approach: linking environmental with social aspects in studying and managing urban forests (GreenInUrbs)